
Individually, we hold different skill sets.
Collectively, we possess a unified commitment to meaningful innovation.

Medical Devices & Instruments

MEC drives innovative medical device product design and development with FDA and CE mark regulatory affairs considerations at the forefront of everything we do.

All with the goal of helping early and middle-stage device companies bring their products to market faster.

MEC provides full-service medical devices and instrumentation development, transforming concepts into viable commercial products, developing leading-edge medical devices for start-ups and established biotech/medical device companies. Our development process follows ISO 13485 and FDA’s QSRs to ensure timely regulatory approvals.

Industrial Design

We believe that useful, unique, and inspired design begins with understanding the end-user. Our industrial designers and researchers use various techniques to gather valuable insights and are highly skilled in generating innovative concepts. We strive to provide manufacturable designs that offer a meaningful experience to the end customer.

Industrial design is a fusion of art and technology to address market needs. We collaborate with our clients to realize an aesthetically pleasing to meets their specific needs.

MEC specializes in providing appealing and easy-to-use designs that distinguish our clients from their competition.

Consumer Products

All the design concepts are created and presented with an uttermost level of creativity and then developed and engineered into devices that are ergonomic and address human factors.

Working closely with our clients in the creative design phase, we combine their expectations of the form and function with our design expertise to develop 3D CAD models.

MEC specializes in providing appealing and easy-to-use designs that distinguish our clients from their competition.

Interactive Design

MEC Specializes in optimizing user experience through a unified interface using our extensive mechanical and industrial design experience.

We’ve realized that there are unique challenges to creating a device that reflects effectiveness while providing full integrated interaction. That’s why our team includes highly trained interaction designers working together with our industrial design team and engineering team to optimize interactions between physical and digital elements.

As product developers, we thrive to enhance the end-user experience, offering effective and viable user interface and interaction design, essential for desktop, mobile, web, and other environments.

Facility Planning

Facility planning is a complex and broad subject that employs several disciplines. It determines how a corporation’s tangible fixed assets best support achieving the objectives, such as effectively utilizing all resources (people, equipment, space, and energy), improving material handling and material control, minimizing capital expenditure, and adapting to changing requirements.

In collaboration with experts, MEC uses quantitative approaches to analyze material flow requirements to evaluate and develop layouts that optimize material handling resources through simulation and other system engineering layout planning tools.

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